Tuesday, 26 February 2013

|ALLAH is ar rahim.. :) | islam is the true greatest blessing.|

Yes. It's true that Allah is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Due to that, we are forever blessed.
He give us life that is precious. No wealth, car, gold nor diamond can be compared.
Life is the huge blessing. But, this blessing means nothing if we don't garnish them with Islam.
Life without Islam means nothing. Nothing at all.
Just like walking in a desert.You gain nothing yet, you lost everything.
Such pity life. You can say that.
But as a muslim, what did you do. What did we do.
What do our life worth for?
Yes, we are blessed for this life as a muslim.
But, don't you know that God loves the one who revert to Islam more then the one who is born as a muslim.
Don't that disturb you in some way? Well, not just that, we can't deny the fact that the revert-er is way better then us, who is born as a muslim.
Islam were given to us by our parent. We inherit their religion.
But the revert-er, they search for Islam. They go find it and fight for it.
But, for us everything is so easy. We get it just like that.
That's why God loves them more.
A poor man who achieve wealth by his own is worth to be proud of
than the children that easily inherit their parent's wealth without their own effort.
So as a kid that inherit the wealth from  our parent, what do we do to be better.
To be seen.
Well, there are millions of muslims.. Not just you.
So what makes you so sure that God loves you?
I mean this world is wide there is many people way too better then us.
We do say. we are blessed. We are in the right path and so on.
But what much did we do since we were born to this were blessed life.?
Did we even cover every versus of Al Quran?
Do we know the meaning of every word read. Every word that He says.
Every word that the prophet bring for our light when he is not around anymore.
Did we? When the revert-er already read and understand half of the Quran before they are muslims.
And left only another half. Cause they know that converting to another religion is not a small thing.
Knowing that it is a bliss becoming a muslim, already experience the opposite side of life,
they commit their everyday just for Allah.
Their everyday is filled with iman and taqwa, with heart just for Allah.
They share the knowledge about Islam to everyone.
They want everyone to feel the bliss that they feel.
They spread the news.
We. What did we do? Do we ever care if Islam grow or not? If we pray or not?
Do we even cvare if our own muslim brother and sister pray.?
We do nothing. Nothing at all.
We are so happy for these blessed life that we neglect or maybe forget all our obligation?
I can say that.
So.. As a muslim that is born as a muslim, what did we do that make us so proud to confess saying

"Being a muslim is a bliss cause we are blessed. So let's spread the news. Light up the blessing."
Spreading the news. ~ dahuq95

Monday, 4 February 2013

it's just an uneasy.. :)

"I'm lost." "I don't know." "I can't see the light anymore"
"I think God don't love me anymore"
"I guess I'm far away from Him that I just don't know if I can come back."
"I don't know what to do."
"Which path should I take?"
"My life is a mess." "What do I do?"
  "Is it the end for me?"
These are the dialogues that I often said before or maybe now, sometimes..
And most of the time, it happen when I'm feeling down and low self esteem.
Now, I realize that it is not that true..
For exampl,e God will always loves us and it will gradually increases even if we just try to remember Him.
All the dialogues is just an uneasiness.
We just feel uneasy and our mind starts to linger around thinking of unnecessary think.
And we end up putting lots of burden in our brain.
Sometimes, when we are being tested by Allah with test,
we get uneasy and it happens.
To think about it the uneasiness is also a test.
What I'm saying is test is wide.
It can be something good like love, wealth, children and so on.
Or maybe something that we just don't want it to happen like death,bankruptcy or even getting divorce.
It appear in many unexpected way including uneasiness.
Just try our best to try  overcome your uneasiness.
If you're lost, find your way.
Don't know? Ask for help.
Can't see the light? Go get a torch. The light is always bright.
God don't love you? Forget about it. First of all, do you love Him enough?
You're too far, can't come back? Run after Him. You can always come back the door is always open.
Don't know what to do? There is so many things to do. Make yourselves useful.
Confused which path? Come on! Choose the one which is blessed by God.
Your life is a mess? Go fix it up. Why are you still there doing nothing?
What to do? Seek help from Allah.
Is it the end? It is not the end yet till you're dead.
Just think about it friend. He promised us that he is always near. He is near.
Don't act that He is far when we are the one who is trying to get away from him.
If you can't fix the problem, uneasiness by your own, seek help.
Counseling is one of the option but, if your're not open to share with others,
just forget it. Al Quran can be your counselor.
This holy book is a love letter cause it is from our truly lover.
So, just read it! Cause at the moment, the uneasiness will fade away and
you'll experience peace and calm.
 He promised us that who ever remember Him, will experience calm.
And if we remember Him, He'll also will do.

All those feeling is just an uneasiness,
to avoid it, fill our soul with faith in Allah.
If it is already there, remember him and seek help from him.
Pray, dua' and seek blessing from Him. InsyaAllah everything is well..!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

life is a sacrifice..!

We get something .. We lost something..
Just like business . Maybe we can say life is a business?
Cause business is a sacrifice. To get what you like, you'll have to sacrifice your money..
Just like our life, to get what we want we'll have to sacrifice other thing.
For example,
To get money, we'll have to work.
To smoke, we'll have to sacrifice our health.
To do something of our delight, we'll have to sacrifice our time.
Life is always s sacrifice. In everything we do... We get and we lost.
However, a smart human will definitely do something smarter.
Sacrifice one thing to get double or more..
Picking up the pebbles on the road.
.. Sacrifice our time to safe others and get reward..
Reading the holy book of Quran.
.. Sacrifice our desire to do something else to get peace, lots of reward and blessing from Allah..
Or maybe, helping an old woman crossing the road..
.. Sacrifice our rush, to get her safe, no accident, reward, doa, blessing from Allah n the old lady..
That is already more than 5.
Isn't it smart? I mean it is way too smart..!
So.. life is a sacrifice and a business. Don;t fall for stupid deal.! :)
Lets win this business and win Jannah.
Our AIM is to see our truely lover, ALLAh.
Which is why, we have to win this business.. :D   LET"S DO THIS.. 

Friday, 1 February 2013

are we the same as the crab?

Crab and human, can this two different creature be the same?
Are we thae same?
The crab and the human...
Well, we can say that we are just way too different..
Our look, we are different..
Our home, we are different..
Our way of moving, not same at all.
Our way of communicating, not even close..
Is it possible that we are the same in certain aspect?
Well, I say.. We are quite the same..
for example:

This might be happening to the crab..
The child have hard time growing up for their parents have high expectation on them but they know that they definitely can't do that..
And at last the parents give up knowing that it is fated for them to walk horizontally.
It can't be change.
This is what have been done by human that show their stupidity of trying to follow the act of a crab. :)

See? Ain't we the same?
Sometime we are blind to see. We can't even see what we, ourselves are doing.
We just didn't realize that we are doing exactly what we don't want them to .
So how are we going to change others when we ourselves have not change yet.?
Don't get ourselves busy with others matter when we are not settle with our own .
Sometimes we just need to be quiet for a moment and see what is going on, what is the main problem...
cause we can't think when we talk too much yet, we do nothing.. :D