Sunday, 31 March 2013


I have been in this situation.
Maybe always.
Regret is not always for something big.
It's not always about death, life, exam, choices, studies or carrier.
It may be something small like, not smiling to a friend that he/she end up thinking that we are not happy for his/her success.
It look so small that you don't even think of it as a regret.

Sometimes, we regretted doing some sins.
We watched too much movies that we ended up forgetting our prayer.
And we regretted for doing so.
We determined and vowed that we would never repeat that stupid act.
Stupid act is what we called them when we are in regret.
But, time passed we forget our promises, we forget our vow and end up doing the same thing.
Not thinking them as a 'stupid act' anymore.

Committing a sins is addictive.
We tends to get addicted to them without knowing, without noticing.
We start repeating and make 'Allah is merciful' as our motto to commit more.
"Well, we do now, Allah forgive later."

Just like scratching ourselves.
We knew that scratching ourselves will ruin us.
We will get hurt but still for the pleasure, we did it.
And then when it hurt we regret.
We regretted more knowing that it will live scars.
But also knowing that the scars will fade, we still are doing it.

Just like other sins.
Just like zina.
For first, we thought that we made it out of us wanting, we can't hold back.
The lust is all over us.
So, we regretted for not being so strong.
Time flies, we remembered the pleasure.
We get addicted to it.
We repeated ignoring the consequences.
We make "Allah is merciful" as a motto.
And hope for His forgiving every time we commit it.
Are we not ashamed?

Maybe we, humans are never ashamed of ourselves?
We are never grateful for what is given to us?
Adam are made of soil.
We are just soil.
What are we to be so proud of.
We don't have anything but what are given to us.
We are weak, got no strength.

Don't we know the angel?
They are made up of lights.
They are never proud of themselves.
The devil, they are made up of fire.
So they do have something compared to us.
Fire can burn soil.
But we are appointed as a khalifah.
We should use this opportunity given to us in our best.

If we realize how small we are.
How we are nothing to be compared of.
We would never be proud of what we are.
We would spend our days and nights with our night sacrificing our everything for Him.
If only, we could realize and never forget.

Cause we would not want to cry watching what we are doing now in the day of judgement.
May Allah grant us understanding, forgive us and always protect us.

We have a very long way to go. Don't stop for a regret. Move on for a better day.

Friday, 29 March 2013


Happy Birthday.
Sanah Helwa?
Masaya kaarawan?
Selamat Hari Lahir?

No matter what language it is, it only mean one thing, which is Happy Birthday.
What do 'Happy Birthday' really means?
Have a happy birthday? 
Who cares what it means.
Both words have no particular harsh meaning.
So, it's fine for you to just say it anytime anywhere.

We always hope for something good for our birthdays.
But, it is not the birthday which is important.
What we did through the years of living is what we have to review.
Cause that is what will be ask on the day of judgement.
Not what we achieve but what we did.
Cause we might say,
I achieve a great result in my exam, so that is my achievement for this year.
When the fact is we study less and do nothing cause we are blessed with a high powered brain.
What will be ask is what we do.
The result is just on paper. So?
What change did we do for the nation? 
What change did we do for Islam?
What change did we do for our family?
We did nothing, but we are so proud of  piece of paper.
In the eye of Allah it worth nothing.

Let see this two twins here..
Adib is a girl who is a bit slow. Or maybe I could say way too slow in her study.
But, she struggled, she attended every class. Respected her teachers. Did her homework though her teacher will strike a big cross on the page for she did no right. Help her teachers and friends. She was always humble. She tried her best to help others and let her be the last. It's fine.

But for Husna, she is clever. Maybe way too clever than Adib.
She'll always be the first. She looked down on everyone. She didn't show respect to her teacher.
For her, she need no one, no teacher. She can study by her own. She boast around for her great result. Fooled everyone else and make them feel so depressed. 

Which one would you respect more?
Adib or Husna?
If you are human, your respect will all be for Adib.
Cause she is worth to be respected.
Teachers would love her though she is not that clever.

Achievement is nothing without effort.
Achievement is nothing without good attitude.

Birthday worth nothing if we are just the same person as we were on the birthday before.
It worth nothing when we didn't make a good change for ourselves.
It's okay to start from ourselves first.
Last year, we read Quran every Friday.
This year, it's the same.
What change did we do?
We didn't change. 
We were the same person as last year.
What is our one year worth for?
What did we do to thank Allah for this year that He gave us?
Or, did we ever say thank you? Did we ever praise Him?
Did we even remember Him in our every breath?
We didn't. So, what is our life worth for?
Did we ever think of it?
We asked so much but we did nothing.

Every year on our birthday, we will pray..
Oo Allah, I want a Samsung S4 for my birthday, and please give me that. Not Samsung S3. S4.
Wow, so demanding.
But for return, we did nothing, no thanks, no praise?
What are we worth for?
Why are the life given to us?
Do we not have a mossion?
Did we forget?
How could we forget?
Maybe it's because, we are given so many blessing that we forget everything?
Review ourselves.
Aren't we ashamed to ask for so much that we did nothing?
Aren't you?

So, let's ask ourselves, 'what did we do to thank Allah for this year that He gave us?'
For the life that He gave us.

~For my friend, 
"Sue, Happy birthday, May Allah bless you and help your every step in getting near to Him. Don't get so stressed out cause He is already near, always. May you today is better then you the year before. And may you next year is way better.. Peace~"

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

don't MHRSE and MHLSH..

Allah created everything in this world easy for us.
When Adam was in the heaven, Allah teach everything to him,
when he was lonely, Allah created Hawa,
when they made mistake, Allah forgive them :D
when they was sent to the earth, separated, Allah help them find their way.
and then, there come their children.

When we are born to this world, we have family.
For the muslims, we have the great nikmah, which is Islam.
Then, we learn, we stand, we walk, we talk.
Step by step..
Allah teach us, Allah help us, Allah show us.
Everything was created easy for us.
Why? Cause Allah let it be easy..
You may say it's hard, tough. You can't make it and what so ever.
But, everything will look just fine, just easy, if we realise His love for us.
If we realise his mercy.
If we realise his blessing.
if only, we realise, everything look beautiful.
Allah make everything look easy for us though it's tough. :)

Allah make everything look easy for us but we make it hard.
Let me show you some example..
When a son of age 18 wanna get married, his family said no.
cause he is not old enough.
And when he do haram, his parent abandon him.
See, Don't Make Haram So Easy and HalaL So Hard.

Doing haram is easy.. Very easy.
So, why are we making halal harder?
When doing haram is already so easy?

Let together see another example.
A woman is not hijabihas a daughter which was also not a hijabi.
Her daughter started to practice islam and she wanted to wear hijab.
Her mother did not forbid but she showed her disapprove through her emotion.
And her daughter feel bad about it.
So, she decided not to wear.

See? this happen always.
And we seemed to not have strength to fight for what we think right.
So, let's do it together.
Cause, together we can..!


Pernah ku tanya dia,sahabatku, apa kah misi mu dalam kehidupan ini dan seterusnya..?
Jawapan nya SYURGA.
Terdetik dihatiku rasa Simpati.
Syurga? Hanya itu?
Misi ku jauh. Aku mahu misinya juga jauh.
Lebih jauh.
Surga? Terlampau sedikit?
Tiada standard? Terlampau mudah?
Itu bukan masalahnya..
Cuma, aku tidak mahu dia terlepas pandang pada sesuatu yang istimewa.
Aku tidak mahu dia rugi.
Rugi? Apa lagi yang bisa dirugikan jika syurga dalam genggaman?
Pasti itu yang terdetik.
Banyak. Banyak yang akan kau rugi..
Bodohkah aku untuk ungkapkan betapa besarnya cinta.?
Boleh menandingi syurga?
Aku tidak bodoh. Kerna itu aku tahu.
Kerna itu aku mengerti.
Kerna itu juga aku kagum.
Betapa besarnya cinta.
Cinta ini bukan cinta biasa.
Cinta ini luar biasa.
Cinta yang tidak mungkin kau dapat rasai dengan yang lain..
selain Dia..
Ya, cinta Dia yang ku maksudkan.
Cinta Dia yang akan ku tulis.
Kau tidak silap baca.
Pernah kau rasa cinta ini?
Pernah kau lihat?
Pernah kau sentuh cinta ini?
Ya, cinta ini sungguh besar.
Tiada ungkapan.
Mana saja kau pergi, cinta ini yang kau lihat.
Cinta ini yang kau rasa.
Kau tak akan mungkin lari.
Walau kau cuba, tidak mungkin bisa.
Cinta Dia terlalu luas untuk kau sembunyikan.
Terlalu nyata untuk kau butakan mata mu.
Terlalu jelas untuk kau menipu diri mu,
Terlalu mendalam untuk kau renangi.
Terlalu mendalam untuk kau mengerti.
Mana mungkin kau mengerti cinta kompleks ini.
Mata yang buta menjadi celik.
Telinga yang pekak juga bisa mendengar laungan cinta si Dia.
Manakan yang celik, manakan yang bisa mendengar.
Pasti kau bisa.
Cinta Dia datang dalam semuanya.
Kadang kau rasa dibenci oleh Dia,
Tapi kau lupa.
Dalam suka dan duka,
dalam sukar dan senang,
ada cinta.
Lagi kau diuji, lagi itu cinta Dia datang.
Tika kau rasa sukar, tika itu Dia ada.
Tika kau rasa Dia jauh, tika itu Dia terlalu dekat
Tika itu juga Dia mahu kau tahu Dia dekat.
Kau rasa sukar kerna Dia mahu kau sedar,
Bahwa Dia sentiasa ada.
Jangan kau rumitkan fikiran mu.
Buka fikiranmu, biar ia luas.
Jangan disempitkan semuanya.
Yang cantik, tidak semuanya sayang,
Yang buruk, tak semuanya benci.
Dia sayang kamu kerna itu Dia mahu kau pulang.
Pulang pada cinta Dia.
Pulang untuk hanya memohan pada Dia.
Kerna hanya Dia yang setia.
Kerna hanya Dia yang lihat.
Kerna hanya Dia yang mendengar.
Hanya Dia yang mengerti.
Dia memberi dan mengambil untuk kau.
Semuanya yang Dia lakukan adalah yang terbaik.
Kadang kau tak mengerti.
Semuanya berlaku tampak buruk buatmu.
Kau sendiri tidak mengerti.
Namun, akhirnya yang manis itu datang.
Itu janji Dia.
Satu kepastian.
Namun jika kau kenali cinta Dia sedikit awal,
semua yang dulunya kau kata buruk,
tidak akan pernah buruk.
Semuanya cantik. Semuanya manis.
Itulah Cinta.

Mereka kata cinta Dia buat aku buta
Mereka juga kata cinta Dia buat aku celik
Dahulunya aku tak mengerti
Namun sekarang semuanya jelas.

Cinta itu buta
Kerna cinta menundukkan mataku.
Cinta itu pekak
Kerna cinta menutup telingaku dari mendengar yang haram
Dari mendengar herdikan mereka
Cinta itu bisu
Kerna tiada kata yang bisa mengungkap cinta Dia.

Cinta juga celik
Kerna cinta membuka mindaku
Membuka mataku mengenal dunia
Membuka hatiku untuk mendekatiMu
Cinta juga membuka telingaku
Mendengar kebenaran
Mendengar panggilanMu
Cinta itu juga menyuruh aku berkata
Bangun menegakkan kebenaran.

Cinta Dia tidak mampu aku balas
Tidak mampu aku bayar
Aku hanya mampu menerima
Kerna aku tidak mampu
Tiada apa yang Dia minta sebagai balasan
Hanya untuk aku mengaku Dia sebagai Tuhan
Wah, sungguh dahsyat cinta ini
Tiada apa yang diminta selain mengaku kehadiranNya

Aku hanya mampu membalas cintaNya dengan mencintaiNya.
Wah, kagum aku melihat cinta ini.
Bangga aku mencintaiNya
Bangga aku mengucapkan cinta ini
Bangga aku mengaku Dia kekasihku.

Aku mahu melihat Dia
CintaNya sahaja sudah cukup hebat
Sudah cukup cantik
Manakan Sang Pencintanya?
Pasti menandingi kecantikan cintaNya.
Hebat, sungguh hebat!

Bagiku itu lah misi hidupku
Melihat kecantikan yang tiada tandingan
Nikmat yang terhebat

Aku tidak hidup untuk syurga,
Aku tidak hidup kerna takut neraka,
Aku hidup untuk melihatMu.

Itu misiku.
Itu cinta bagiku.
Apa pula kau?

Sunday, 24 March 2013

| world_dunia | lakonan ku |

Brush~brush ~brush...
Gonna get these teeth white and clean.
I get myself nearer to the mirror..
Oh they are still not that white.
Is it the tooth brush? Tooth paste?
Or maybe it's me that don't know how to brush?
I look again in the mirror.
What kind of human am I?
Will I live forever in this world?
Will Allah love me when I return to Him?
Will the prophet recognise me in the crowd of all the people?
Will I be able to find him in the crowd of the ummah?
I want my film to be the best!
Sigh sigh, sigh again.
Just saying without working, won't make a change!
An actor is always an actor.
I wanna be the best actor.
An actor that her days are filled with reality and not pretending.
I want my film to win the award.
The award of the best khalifah of this world.
What I'm doing now will be recorded.
Wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever time it is.
It is all recorded.
I don't run. Not because I can't.
But, How would I want to run from the beauty of Him.

I want it to always be good.
No, not just good, the best.
I want to be satisfied for my act.
No regret.
I don't want to be crying regretting my awful act.
For the act that is filled with nothing, no achievement.
For by that day, I can't make it change.

There are just so many actors in this screenplay..
Too many to be judge.
I want to be the one who get to see the Judge.
The Judge who uphold the true beauty.
The beauty that is no matched.
I wish I could be the one He loves most.
The one who will always be next Him.
The one who can always embrace His beauty.

Oh. How can I explain my love for Him?
This love is unbeatable. Indescribable.
That in whatever I do, I see Him.
His beauty.
How He created everything so perfect.
No flaws. Flawless.

Yeah. Gotta tell You.
Though I told You before.
Though You've heard it from my little heart.
Though You've heard me, You'll still be there to hear more.
Oh how beautiful you are.
How beautiful this love is.

My life as an actor will end with success.
Our life as actors will end with success.

Oh how long will I take to brush my teeth.
Gotta go to sleep cause tomorrow will start a new day.
A new day that will be watched again by me.
Hope that I won't regret my days.
Hope that I will smile on that day for what I'll be doing tomorrow.!

These is what I want. What do you?

Gigi-gigi ini perlu ku putihkan, perlu ku bersihkan.
Aku mara ke hadapan, mendekati cermin.
Gigi ini masih belum begitu putih.
Berus gigi? Atau ubat gigi yang harus ku persalahkan?
Atau mungkin, aku yang tidak mahir memberus.
Ku tatap wajahku di cermin lagi.
Manusia jenis apakah aku?
Akan ku hidup di bumi ini selamanya?
Mungkinkah Sang Pencinta akan mencintai aku apabila aku pulang kepadaNya?
Mungkinkah Rasulullah mengenaliku dalam banjiran manusia nanti?
Bisakah aku mencari beliau dalam banjiran ummah nanti?
Aku mahu filemku menjadi yang terbaik!
Keluh, keluh, keluh aku lagi.
Hanya berkata-kata, namun kerjanya tidak jalan.
Tidak mungkin aku bisa mengubah.
Pelakon memang selamanya pelakon.
Aku mahu menjadi pelakon yang lakonannya itu adalah yang terbaik.
Pelakon yang harinya diisi dengan realiti dan bukan mainan semata.
Aku mahu filemku memenangi anugerah.
Anugerah khalifah terbaik di bumi ini.
Apa yang aku lakukan akan direkod.
Dimana-mana aja, apa-apa yang ku lakukan, bila-bila masa sahaja.
Semuanya akan direkod.
Aku tidak lari bukan kerna aku tidak bisa.
Namun mana mungkin aku lari dari kecantikan Sang Pencinta.

Aku mahu semuanya baik baik sahaja.
Tidak, bukan hanya baik, terhebat.
Aku mahu puas dengan lakonanku.
Tiada sesalan.
Aku tidak mahu menangis sesali lakonan ku yang berantakan.
Lakonan yang isinya kosong, tiada jaya.
Kerna pada hari itu, aku tidak lagi bisa mengubah!

Terlalu banyak pelakon dalam lakon layar ini.
Terlalu banyak untuk diadili.
Aku mahu jadi antara yang bisa melihan Hakim.
Dia, Hakim yang menguasai kecantikan sebenar.
Kecantikan yang tiada tandingan.
Mengimpi disayangiNya.
Sentiasa berdamping denganNya.
Dapat memeluk kecantikanNya.

Aduh, bagaimana harus ku ucapkan cinta ini?
Cinta yang tiada tandingan. Tidak bisa diungkapkan.
Yang pada apa saja yang ku lakukan, aku ingat Dia.
Bagaiman semuanya dibina cantik sekali.
Tiada cacat. Tiada cela.

Ya. Harus ku kasi tahu cinta ini.
Walau telah ku katakan sebelum ini.
Walau telah Kau dengar sebelum ini dari hati kecil ku.
Walau pernah, Kau tetap masih mendengar.
Oh, cantiknya Kau.
Cantiknya cinta ini.

Hidupku, lakonanku akan ku akhiri dengan jayanya.
Kehidupan kita , lakonan kita akan kita sama sama akhiri dengan jayanya.

Aduh, berapa lama lagi harusku berus gigi ini.
Tidur. Tidurlah. Kerna esok adalah permulaan untuk hidup yang baru.
Kehidupan baru yang akan ku tonton sekali lagi.
Mengharapkan yang pada hari itu, akan terukir senyuman dibibir untuk apa yang akan ku lakukan esok hari. :)

Ini yang aku mahu. Apa mahu mu?

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

| result | leave it to Allah |

tick tick tick~
"My holiday past by without me achieving anything.
I did nothing , I regret.
The whole holiday was such a waste.
I hope the time would wait for me.
Or maybe, I would return back to the time when i just ended my EXAM?

And now , the result is here~tomorrow.
How I wish the time could just wait or slow down a bit..
Or maybe skip tomorrow?
Just let tomorrow not exist in this week?

Well, suck it up man. Time is time..
It can't stop, go back or forth.
It's just it.
We, human can't even make the grass grow,
How can we make the time stop?
How can we make the time reverse?
How can we make the time skip?
When Thursday is part of the week.
When your hand is part of your body?
Can you pull it off?
Only The Almighty can, We can't.
Just can't..
This weakness remind us that we are nothing more then a human.

Everything in the world follow the order of Allah.
The sun. The moon. The earth.
Even the time do.
So are we acting as if we are clever than God to turn His order around?
I don't think so..

Just use every second that is given to you in the best way.
What is past, don't just let it past.
Learn from them.
"I didn't prepare well for my trial exam. T.T"
If we say that and do nothing,  nothing will change.
Learn from what we did, either it's good or bad.
Knowing that we didn't do our best for our past exam,
We'll have to study the best for the real Exam coming soon.
Make a change.
Crying, talking, mocking, naging change nothing.
Unless if we do something.
Talk less. Work more ..!
Every second is a blessing from God, fill it with the best!

What is past, let it past. Learn from it.
What is coming, work for it!

And for the exam result tomorrow..
We have already sit for the exam..
So, what we can do now is pray and leave the rest to Allah.
He knows well.
He know the best. <3
What we think the best for us may not be the best for us!
Chill, pray, tawakal and wait for tomorrow~
Love ya <3

Saturday, 16 March 2013

| stars | that's what we are like |

Which one would You wanna be? The bright or the dim?
Tonight, I look at the stars..
Some are so small, so dim that is so hardly seen.
Some are just fine..
Also, some are just so bright.
These stars remind me of us..
We are like stars that want to be seen.
Want to be seen by God.

We can say, "I live in this world as a khalifah"
Oh yes, I know that already.
Everyone is.
If we wanna shine, we gotta do something and stop talking so much.
Cause talking too much makes no different unless we work it out.

Imagine if we are starts.
There are just too many of us.
We can't just stay and do nothing to be seen.
We have to run.
Not just run, cause others are also running.
We sprint.
Sprint to get nearer. Nearer to the One who are watching.
We can't just stay are wait for Him to bring us nearer.

This world are wide that we can't even see the other side of it.
This wide world are filled with humans just like us,
There are too many of us.
All are racing to be known.
To be notice.
To be seen.
We can't be seen unless we stand out.
We can't just be ordinary or normal.
We have to be more.
Not just normal.
We are talking about something universal.
Not among Asian only.
Not among Singaporean or Londoner or Malaysian only..
Or what ever country you are from.

If others pray 5 times a day,
We can't do the same..
We do more..
But not by doing bidah and adding the sixth~
We do the sunnah..
Dhuha, Tahajjud, Rawatib?

If others read quran a page everyday,
We read a Juz everyday,
Don't do 1 half..
There's no big different.
Others can do the same.
 If want to be extra,
Learn the meaning.
That's the best.

We are not playing games now.
We are not in a rehearsal.
We are already in a competition now,
A real big one.
We are competing to get the LOVE of Allah.
He loves us, nothing else matters.
Only the one who He loves would be allowed to see His everlasting beauty.
Don't want to miss that? Keep up the good work!

Islam in still going to grow with or without us helping.
So are you in?
We are not here for fun and watch it growing.
We want to be part of it,
Don't just watch, join in!
 We want to be seen by The Only One Lord,
Da'wah for Allah!

 Like? share it. May Allah bless,

Thursday, 14 March 2013

| be grateful | slaves|

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?

Sometimes, we just love asking ourselves..
"Why is it so Hard?" "Why my life is always so hard..?"
Like why?
Ya..  We do love asking those questions..
The answers that we got are like:
"Everything don't come that easy man.It don't come rolling.! Come on, be a man. Fight for it"
"Well, you see.. Every each thing in the earth have price.. You can't expect to get it free.."
"Girl.. After every rain fall must come a rainbow?"
"Paradise is beautiful. I mean like everyone wanna be there. If God created it so easy for everyone then everyone is going there. So what's the point of having hell then?"
You got the point there somehow.
But the thing is, just think positive.
Things around you, it works the way you want it to be..
Even it's hard.. Just say.. "OH.. it's easy.. Not a big deal.. T.T"
It sounds stupid, it look hypocrite but it's fine.
If we set it easy, Everything is going to flow well InShaaAllah.
Even though it's hard, I'm not saying it will be easy right away but, we won't burden ourselves more. We won't get so stress out. Cause you see, our mind control almost everything.
Sometimes, it's a miracles that someone can smile though they are hated or everyone is talking bad things about them.
But this miracle does happen. We can just smile all the way though it's hard.
It's okay if it's hard as long as we think positive and just go for it.
We want something so, just go for it.
Making faces, crying out loud, shouting or sucide will not ease the problem.
We are just adding problems. Don't be a piece of crap that make thing go worst..
As long as we can still love Allah and always remember Him.
It's fine. Not just fine, it's great!

Just A story to share:

"This fajr,the alarm rang..
So I said 'Alhamdulillah' that the phone can still ring and I can still hear.
I opened my EYES.. 
How dark it was.
I said 'Alhamdulillah' for that I can still see though it was dark.
I switched on the light.. How bright it was. 
The light hurt my EYE.. 
So I said 'Alhamdulillah' that I can still feel hurt.
I drank the water with bismillah..
'Alhamulillah' for that I can still drink reminding You.
I went to the toilet and took my wudu'.
'Alhamdulillah' that I can still move my hand to take wudu'.
I took my prayer cloth and I said 'Alhamdulillah' for that Allah still lent me His wealth.
I wore them and said 'Alhamdulillah' that I still have the same shape as yesterday, that the cloth can still fit on me.
I took my step to the masjid with every steps saying 'Alhamdulillah' for that I can still take this step
and that I can still walk. Walking to the masjid is truly such a bless.
Reaching the masjid, I said 'Alhamdulillah'.. 
I prayed and I cry.. 
Realizing how much more of His ne'mah that I have not thank him..
For the air that I can still breathe.
For the heart that can are still pump.
For the blood that is still flowing in my vein..
For the receptor under my skin that can still make me aware of the changes.
For the bones that can still moves.
For the family that is still here.
For the others that can't be said..
For the others that I became speechless for them.
I cried more realizing how much more that I should be grateful for.
The fact that I can still say 'Alhamdulillah' now make me realize how much more grateful and thankful I should be for that.
And so, for that, I said Alhamdulillah..
I cried and smile at the same time..
Realizing how blessing I am to be loved by the perfect creator.
Though I am no one special.
I said: "O Allah forgive me for how ungrateful I am..
The tests that you gave me is nothing to be compared to how much mercy you have given me.
Thanks for the test that you gave me..
Thanks for this one eye that you took from me..
Thanks for giving me another chance..
Cause these tests make me realize, make me remember my true reason being here..
These test pull me back from astray, from these fairytale that I have been in.
O my Beloved, thank you for creating weaknesses in me.. cause these weaknesses make me realize how I am nothing more then a human and slave to You.. Nothing more.."

Get ourselves together and look at us.
How grateful we should be for what we have.
For what he gave.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

| KISS | Keep It Simple Sunnah | Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and the baker

Imam Jawzi wrote about the life of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in his book Manaqib Al Ahmad

The most famous man of Islam, Imam Ahmad was.
His jenazah was the largest jenazah.
He died and was buried on the same day.
And he has more then 1.3 million people coming to pray jenazah for him.
1.3 million is a big number isn't it?.

Imam Ahmad used to go around seeking knowledge wrapping his face so that others won't recognize him.
A humble man he was.

As someone who eager in study.. He went to Shams.
On that time.. They didn't have facebook so the others far from him did not recognize him.
So one night, he slept in the mosque.
Noticing the presence of a man, the harith (guard ) of the mosque told him "Get out".
Not knowing that he was Imam Ahmad, he repeated "Get out. Masjid closing"
"I don't know where to go."
He repeated, "Get out, ukhruj!"
Imam Ahmad did not get angry or tell him who he was.  Instead he picked his things and went sleeping on the steps.
When the harith came he said, "Move. Go! You can't even sleeps here."
"Where am I to go? I don't know anything here"
This men did not know who he was messing with. He picked Imam Ahmad by his leg and dragged him to the street and dropped him there.
Imam Ahmad was like OKAY?
Then a baker who own a bakery right across the street came to Imam Ahmad and said,
"You can come sleep in my bakery. tonight I'll be doing some work. You can come sleep here. "
So he widen the way for him.
Imam Ahmad observed this man. He was doing his job. Putting the dough together and put them into the oven and so on.
In everything that he did, he did his Tasbih.
Is was not just for a few minutes. It was for the entire night.
Imam Ahmad was shocked. Usually, people get tired just after a few minutes.
So Imam Ahmad asked him, "How long have you been in this situation?"
The baker replied, "What situation?"
"Making Tasbih to Allah"
"My whole life"
Imam Ahmad asked again, " What have you seen in Allah as the result of all this Tasbih you made?"
But he said" I never made dua' to Allah except for what He gave me."
"SubhanAllah, You never asked anything except for what He gave?"
The baker said,"But except for one thing."
"What is it?" Asked Imam Ahmad.
"To have a chance to see Imam Ahmad"
Hearing that, his tears fell. He embrace the baker and said, "SubhanAllah, here is Allah bringing you Imam Ahmad . He brought you Ahmad dragging him by his feet to your bakery. If it wasn't for you, I would have slept peace at the masjid."

A good story.
We don't have to be doing too many big thing yet there is no consistency..
Cause a hadith narrated by Aisyah, The prophet p.b.u.h. said "The most beloved action to Allah is the most consistence deed even if it is small"
That's why |KISS |Keep It Simple Sunnah |
For the baker, we can say, he is just a baker nothing much, he is not a mufti or any Imam ..
People sometimes look down to saomeone like him..
But he did his Tasbih for his whole life.
It is something simple and consistence..
That's the best.
In every Tasbih, he plant a tree in jannah..
Imagine him doing it for as long as he could remember..
How many trees had he plant..?
How many trees had we plant??

May Allah grant us understanding and forgive our sins insyaAllah. :D

Monday, 4 March 2013

true beauty starts from true love...

Flower is beautiful but not for long..
People used to say that beauty lays on what you use..
Well.. If you use the right clothing on the right occasion..
Then you are beautiful..
Following the fashion is part of it..
That's what they said..
I once thought that way too..
But indeed it's not true.


The beauty of a human lays on who their heart hold on..
Is it on God ? The Almighty?
Or is it another slave?
Because when he/she give all her heart to God..
He/she is the best man on the earth also in the eye of God..
In the eye of the creator..
In the eye of Allah..
Who hold the stages of beauty of the human..
The more we love Him..
The more we see the beauty...
The more he lent us His beauty..
MasyaAllah.. How beautiful He made this life for us..
He ask for nothing yet He gives everything..
The more we ask, the more He gives..

The true beauty actually lays on your love to Allah..
Cause as we know.. as we always hear..
Love solves everything..
For love, we are blind..
For love, we are deaf ..
For love, we are numb..
We can't even do anything..

When we love Allah the most..
We see nothing other then His beauty..
Nothing.. Nothing else..
For His love.. We do what He ask and see nothing.
We see nothing else but the beauty that He's trying to show us..
For His love.. We do what He ask and are deaf for what others says...
We hear nothing but only His beauty summons .. Calling us to His path..
For His love.. We are numb.. for this beautiful world that He made ...
Only for us, The Khalifah

His words are like love letters that we treasure..
His lover.. are also our lover..(the prophet p.b.u.h.)
His commands are never to be forgotten..
We love nobody but Him..

And then.. We start relise that we live for nobody but him..
We eat for nobody but Him..
We drink for nobody but Him..
We breath for nobody but Him..
We even love only for the sake of Him..

We are blessed for His love..
For His mercy..
We are beautiful for the beauty that He holds..
Only He holds....
Not what we wear..
Neither not what we put on our face..
Nor the number of likes we get on our facebook picture..
Only Allah holds the beauty..
Only He is beautiful..

 Dear Muslimah..
Close ourselves more cause that's what Allah love..
Cause that what He loves to see us in..
Cause that is what true beauty is..

Dear Muslims..
Be the best lover..
Be the best in our everyday..
Be the best in you ibadah..
Be the best in what you do..
Cause we don't live in this life alone..
We live with others who also want to be His lover..
His "The Best"..
Why are we acting as if we are so sure that we'll be part of the jannah..?
Why are we acting as if we are so sure that we 'll be able to see the everlasting beauty of Allah?
To see His beauty is the aim of our life..
What is the point of living to end up gain nothing?
To end up fail to see His beauty..
Such a waste we are..

Don't be afraid when we are doing the right things..
Cause only Allah can judge..
Others might says..
Might look with evil eyes..
Might neglect us..
But Allah don't..
He never.. Did..

Don't be afraid that if we do what He ask..
We'll loose our career ..
We'll have no future..
Cause after all...
We are His slave..
We got nothing.. Nothing at all..

Even the small fish in the ocean don't die for hunger..
How could we?
Why don't we believe in Allah..
Said that we loves Him but there is no trust in HIm..
Tell Him everyday that you love Him..
Is that what love is?
Think about it..
We live in this life with everything..
We got eyes.. mouth.. ear.. nose.. legs .. hands..
We are complete..
We are bless.
Don't look at someone with more.
Look at someone with less..
People in Love can survive with less..
Cause their love is true..
Cause they already see the true beauty..

Learn love and we'll find beauty..

May Allah grant us with understanding ..
And forgive us all..
InsyaAllah.. :)

Sunday, 3 March 2013

"I want to go to park..."

Promise should not be broken.
Though it is made with a kid who is only 10.
Though it's just a promise to be there for her..
Though it's just a promise that you'll go to the park with her..
Do we have to be that harsh?
Do we have to be that hard?
Don't you pity her?
Pulling her hair ..
Just to cover the real her..
The real kid that was her..
A kid that know nothing.
To a kid.. Playing time is everything.
You can take anything but not her toy..
But not her park..
She did what you ask..
She do study..
But when you take away her game.
When you take away her toy..
Can she study well?
You do nothing to help her in her study but you nag..
Nag as if you did much..
Don't you ever thought of a solution..
Haven't you ever thought of why ?
Why don't she get interested in her study?
Isn't is because you forbid her playing..
Studying 24/7..
She thought that she had no life..
She don't even got interested in religion..
Why are you so arrogant to put everything away?
Neglect everything but acted as if you did everything?
How could you ask somebody else to accompany her when she need you?
You may say you are tired working..
But have you ever thought about her..?
How she is tired of this life..?
Her weekend that you end it with more study..
As everyday..
But when she ask ..
"Can you go with me to the park?"
You scold her and claim that she did not study..
That she did not do well in her study..
When she tried hard but you seemed to not notice..
When she achieve good mark and you seemed to not interested..
There's no compliment..
She was so excited to hear them..
But you say nothing ..
But said that you expected her to be better..
It kills her inside..
And when she nag to tell you how tired she wss you caned her.
She have no one but you..
And now that you are not there she seems to notice that she is alone though she is not.~
Though you are not there..

Help your child, you family..
Though you are tired of work that will never finish..
Though you are the one to find money for everyone of the family..
Even though finding money for everyone of them isn't your responsibility..
Giving her a little compliment and a little time really help her to notice that~
you are there..

That there are someone to be happy for her success..
That she would climb back and be the old clever her..
Even just a hug and kisses everyday..
Even just a few good words from you..
Even just by completing your promise to her..
So that she could climb back..

Thanks for reading..
Do take action..
Stop talking much..
Walk the talk..

Saturday, 2 March 2013

| YOLT | not once.!

Have we ever heard any of these?
"I'm goin' to buy some chocolate for that guy. Hahahah.. Are you buying for anyone cause tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I'm so excited.."

"Don't you wanna hold his hand?"
Or maybe..

What about these?

"You look really stressed out man. I think i know what u need.. Let's drink."

"Take this drug. I'll give you free. It's the best medicine.. No no. You won't get addicted. I swear. It's just one though"
"Look at that girl she's hot. Don't you wanna have sex with her?"
" You should at least have a boyfriend you know."
"You look gorgeous, hot, sexy. But why are you keeping it from others? Let every one see. Let the guys know "

That is enough of example. Sure, we have been in these situation.
Perhaps once.
Or maybe there was a time when your cousin which is non-muhrim wanna shake hands with you.
And we just don't know what to do. Hesitate.
If we are against these situation, there is nothing for us to scare of or hesitate.
Well, it might be sometime hard to explain.
Sometimes, they put us aside. Neglect us.
For some reasons that they themselves don't know what.
Who cares.. ?
What we have to do is refuse.
Don't get shaken by them cause what we are doing is so right.
If we have the guts, we can explain.
Get neglected? Its alright, cause in the eyes of God.
In the eyes of Allah, we are His fighter.
There is always test for the one He loves cause the more He test us, the more it remind us of Him.
He just don't want us to go far away. He don't want us to get lost.
Getting a test is a blessing.
When you get tested, why don't you say..
"Allah, my love, You failed to make me sad cause I'm fine. I know You love me. So nothing else really matters you know."
That is the best way to comfort us and we'll always remind ourselves that Allah is always there for us wherever whenever.
Don't really mind what others says..
Cause the moment when we start thinking about what others think,
We'll start to put away what Allah think.
Then, we'll slowly pull ourselves away from the right path and deny it.
In what ever we do, Allah is always there to help, to accompany and to comfort us.
So there's nothing much to afraid of.
In this life, they maybe look down on you.
Cause that's what they always say : "We only live once. So enjoy guys. Only once."
Little that they know, we live twice.
This life is a test. An exam.
The life after this life is when we don't die.
We can do what we can't here.
We can celebrate our success of this first life.
As much as we like. We have the time.
They said here (in this first life) " The time don't wait for us"
But in that life " The time don't wait for us either, it stops."
So, we are free to do anything there.
There is no time limit.
No rush.
The best thing in the other life that we aim in these life to achieve is...
That is the aim of this life.
To see the everlasting beauty.
The beauty that no one can defeat.
The beauty that everyone is dying to see..
The beauty that only the FIGHTERS of ALLAH can see.
So are we GAME enough to be the fighter.???
Can we say NO to what Allah say NO?
Can we Do what Allah ASK us to?
Are we among the muttaqin?
The one with true FAITH in ALLAH.???

| You Only Live Twice| not once. so think about it.